Help My Friends


Your Donation will be assigned to support the financial needs of a child who is in the day children category at the CAL centers. You will be contributing towards providing a child in need with access to education, healthy meals , quality health care and protection

*Enter your Donation Amount

These children come daily after school and spend time in the center till they go back home to their parents. CAL aims to provide their educational needs such as school supplies, uniforms, shoes, attend to their health and nutrition needs and supporting the parents financially so that they can to bring up their children at the safety and security of their own home.

More Details

Donation of USD 30 (LKR 6000) can sponsor the needs of one child for a month.
Donation of USD 360 (LKR 72,000) can sponsor the needs of one child for a year.
Your donation provides a child in need, education, healthy meals , quality health care, protection and the chance to enjoy their childhood.


$10, $30, $90, $180, $270, $360